It's day 11 and "they" say that it is a fact that people who quit do it on days 10 or 11. I/we did NOT quit, but it was not an easy evening. I can't stress enough how important it is to PLAN everything when you're doing a Whole30. I didn't have a solid plan for dinner tonight and I paid for it. I was thinking I'd just get a rotisserie chicken from Giant Eagle again, but we've had that twice this week already (once from G.E. & one that I made). Then it dawned on me that we could go out to eat at Boston Market and stay mostly compliant (we would likely have butter, but that would be the only thing). But then I thought perhaps challenging ourselves on a night that's already proving to be difficult might not be smart. We discussed it and the kids suggested that we just eat at home.
I had to run to the grocery store still because I didn't have anything ready for dinner tonight. Anyway, I'll discuss that more when I discuss our meals for the day.

I guess technically I didn't have any fat with this meal, but I'm not really worried about it. I'm sure I'm getting plenty of healthy fats over all.
So today I had to sub in the computer classroom at Mary's school from 10-3:15. She was so excited because she has computer on Friday's so I got to be her teacher today! It was my first time subbing in a classroom and I think it went pretty well.
The kids had their same lunches from yesterday and I'm not really sure what Drew had since I wasn't home. I believe he said he made a salad with some bacon, prosciutto and homemade ranch dressing.

The Lowdown
There were a couple hours there today that were not fun. I wanted to quit like it was nobody's business. However it wasn't like I wanted to quit for something in particular. I mean, sure, I could have really gone for a glass (bottle) of wine tonight, but when I was in my mood I wasn't wanting anything in particular. I was just wanting to not have to think about it. I wanted it to be no effort. And what's no effort? Eating out. I am proud of the fact that we all stuck to it today. Drew said he was finding it a little more difficult today and was feeling like he could really go for a beer. We're only 1/3 of the way there so we have a LONG way to go, but we've also completed 10 (almost 11) days. I am bound and determined to make it to day 30. I never thought this was going to be easy and it hasn't been too bad thus far. I am proud of the kids who are really doing a great job. Robbie complained today about only drinking water, but he got over it pretty quickly.
I bought some more walnuts at the grocery store today so I think I may have some grapes and walnuts for a snack tonight. Yum!
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