Today was a good day. Here is what it looked like:
This morning was a little crazy because I was volunteering at Robbie's school this morning so I had to get myself ready in the midst of getting food ready for everyone else. I got up, took a shower and then started preparing breakfast and packing lunches. I packed Drew a salad with tuna on it and then started making his scrambler. I then made Mary's egg salad for her lunch and Robbie's turkey roll-ups (he did say he wanted chicken salad this week, but I didn't make the chicken last night so he had to have one day of turkey). I then heated up the sausages for the kids and peeled a hard boiled egg for Mary as well. When I was finally able to find a minute, I had 2 hard boiled eggs and some bacon for breakfast. I didn't take a picture because it was pretty boring.
After volunteering I went and ran some errands and had planned to treat myself to Chipotle. As much as I love Chipotle the way that I usually have it, I know it's a place I can still be compliant.
Anyway, I thought I would get to Chipotle earlier, but I didn't and it was around 1 by the time I got home and ate. I was quite hungry since my breakfast wasn't very big.
After lunch I had to get to cleaning my kitchen. I also needed to cut up some more cantaloupe and pineapple (I can't keep up with these kids). Before I knew it, the kids were home from school and I was starting to prep dinner.

So I forgot to take a picture of the pepper on my plate when it was pretty. So I took a pic of the leftover ones and still took a pic of my plate after I cut it all up.
The Lowdown
It really is getting easier and easier with each day. I kind of missed my chips and guac at Chipotle (not to mention the cheese and sour cream on my salad), but it wasn't horrible. Again, it didn't make me crabby or anything and I was happy to be eating my salad. It's just that I certainly did notice I wasn't able to get the salad the way I usually do.
9 more days to go......
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