Monday, December 31, 2012

13 in 2013

Well, here it is....New Year's Eve 2012. I suppose now is as good a time as any to put my 2013 goals out there, huh?? I've been thinking about them for a while, but haven't started writing any down. I have no idea if I can actually come up with 13, but I thought attempting to highlight 13 goals to complete in 2013 might be fun. However, due to the fact that I usually only pick a few goals (last year it was 3 - blog, Olympic tri, marathon), some of these 13 will probably be "small".

So, here's goes nothing......

1. Take care of myself. Wow! Yes, this is a BIG goal and can mean SO many things. But, if we want to be more specific, I need to start 2013 by actually getting this damn Crohn's disease back into remission. Some might say I've been trying to do that this entire year (since I first started flaring in March); but that's not really true. I felt the best when I was eating right and losing weight in August/September. But, since the marathon, I haven't been taking care of myself at all. My fault. Even if it means starting 2013 with a short stay in the hospital, I will do what it takes to get healthy again.

2. Lose some weight. Ya know, everything you read says that you should make specific, measurable goals. However, I always start my year off with wanting to lose Xlbs in X amount of time and ya know what?? I NEVER succeed. I put a ton of pressure on myself and when I'm not perfect, I sabotage myself even further. It's messed up, yes, but it's what I do. So this year I'm just going to say I need to lose some weight. Sure, my goal is to lose about 50-60lbs and I think it's totally doable that I can accomplish that in 2013. But isn't it better to just say "lose some weight", that way when 2014 rolls around and I'm "only" 10 or 20lbs smaller I can still see that as a success??? Well, I think it's better.

3. Work towards a 2:30 half marathon and PR a half marathon in 2013. I don't think 2013 is the year for my 2:30 half. I think I'm too far from it for it to be realistic. However, I think I can make it my running focus this year and I think that I can at least PR (faster than 2:41).

4. Complete at least 1 sprint triathlon. I started "doing triathlons" in 2011. However, I still have a hard time calling myself a triathlete because in that time I've done exactly 1 sprint, 1 Olympic and 1 indoor tri. So this summer I'd like to enjoy the sport and start working on improving myself even in the smallest distance.

5. Complete at least 1 Olympic triathlon. See above. Ohio is a tough state to try to be a triathlete. The season is so short that it's tough to have the time to train and get multiple races in. Not to mention the cost! So, this year I hope to complete at least 2 triathlons in my race season.

6. Eat out less. This is something we really need to do as a family and I need to do on my own. We spend way too much money eating out. Just think of how many more races I can do if we didn't eat out so much! :)

7. Spend less money. Well, except for race entry fees! :)

8. Volunteer at the kids school more. I'm hoping to have more time in 2013 to do this. Of course, some of it I just don't like so we're not going to go crazy with volunteering! :)

9. Learn to chill. This is no small goal. I am anxious. A lot. More so lately than I've ever been. I am a total control freak and this causes many problems for me. I'm planning to make some changes in 2013 that I think might help me with this; but I still have to look at learning how to relax. Like the serenity prayer states, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference."

10. Don't fall off the wagon the last 1-3 months of the year (or the first 1-3 months for that matter)! This is another, "not small" goal. Each and every year (as many of us do), I completely fall off the wagon between October and December. Last year was my best year and it took me until almost the end of December to fall off the wagon. My lowest weight of 2011 happened in November (I believe) and I only started 2012 3 pounds heavier than that lowest weight. However, I then fell off the wagon for the last few weeks of 2011 and couldn't get back on until probably April 2012...again. So, I need to work on not falling off at ALL since getting back on seems to take me quite a while!

And yes, these 13 goals are a little harder than I thought. Only 3 more to go though.

11. Find a new distance race for another instant PR. I've started making my 2013 race "wish list", but I really would like to add another race on there of a distance I've never done. Perhaps a 15k would be fun. Or perhaps a 30k.

12. Lose enough weight to run another marathon (even if the marathon doesn't happen until 2014)....and PR. If you recall, I promised myself (and my family) that I would not attempt another marathon "at this weight". However, I did not provide an exact weight where I have to be in order to attempt another marathon. I'm still not sure what I want that number to be. It's less the number and more about what's happening with my body and fitness. If I lose 20lbs, but have completed a 2:30 half marathon and have increased my running time to an 11-12 minute mile consistently, perhaps I'll decide to tackle the marathon distance again. So, this goal really goes with goal #2....but I guess it's putting more specific parameters on it.

13. Consistently improve my running (and fitness in general) and keep improving until Jan. 1, 2014 (and then continue to improve after that). Yea, this is basically a repeat of #10, but more specifically with my running and fitness. #10 was really about my diet and this is the other aspect.

So, there you have it. My 2013 goals. Some big. Some not so big. All important to me. They are not nearly as specific as the experts recommend, but sometimes I think when my goals are too specific I set myself up for failure. And now that I'm on a roll I can think of more not being so hard on myself and be proud of what I do accomplish! That might come with goal #9....

Happy New Year to all of you! Tell me...what are some of your 2013 goals??

Thursday, December 27, 2012

2012 Goals Revisited

I don't believe in making New Year Resolutions. I never really have. Every January for the last 10-15 years I've probably wanted to lose weight. I didn't necessarily call it my resolution to do so since making it a resolution wouldn't make it stick any more than just saying, "I STILL need to lose this damn weight!"

I obviously have not yet figured out what WILL make it stick so that one of these years my thoughts come January can be, "I just need to maintain my weight", but I continue to try to figure that out.

Perhaps 2013 will be the year for THAT! Ok, so for the last few years I started picking fitness related goals to focus on throughout the year instead of just saying that I need to lose weight. It didn't necessarily work to help me lose (and keep off) weight, but it did help me increase my fitness and health overall. Let's see how I did with my 2012 goals, shall we??

1) Start a blog....CHECK! (yes, I know not totally fitness related, but it was still a big goal and one that I met!)

2) Complete my first Olympic distance Triathlon.....CHECK!
3) Complete my first marathon....CHECK!

4) Complete as many races in 2012 as I did from when I started (2007) until 2011....Not quite, but came close!

Overall, a pretty successful year with meeting my big goals. As I've said before on the blog, I thought the number of races between 2007 and 2011 was 10, but it turned out it was actually 11. I am ending 2012 with having completed 9 races. Yes. I was 1 race short from the number I had had in my mind all year and only 2 short from meeting my goal. It was a little stupid that I didn't meet this goal. I easily could have met this goal and frankly, I was going to try to make it a nice even 12 in 2012 since I was so close. But, then the lovely post-big race depression hit and I have done very little since finishing the marathon in October. Not to mention the fact that I haven't been dealing with normal life stresses well lately (like finding the time to fit it all in).

I'm starting to really think about some 2013 goals. I guess it's about time since it'll be 2013 in less than a week! Honestly it's tough to start thinking about these goals when I've been in such a rut. But, starting to think about my goals is helping me to come out of it a bit. I'm starting to look forward to working towards something again.

The frustrating thing...and perhaps something that I need to figure out how to that every year I fall off the wagon so hard that I spend so much time working back up to where I was that I can't meet some of the goals I would like to make. Anyone following me?? For example; a goal that I have now had for over a year is to have a 2:30 half marathon finish time. This would require me to shave 11 minutes off my current half marathon PR. That's a lot, folks! Clearly, this would take work and dedication. However, I also haven't hit the 2:41 time (or anywhere near it) since November 2011 when I was apparently at my "prime". There's a part of me that would like to make "run a 2:30 half marathon" a 2013 goal, but I am thinking that's probably not a realistic goal (at all) given how hard I've once again fallen off the wagon.

Next up....2013 goals.....

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I'm not sure what to say. This post will not be nearly as eloquently written as most of the other blog posts I've read, but this is my outlet so I'm using it.

Clearly, I've been on a hiatus. I've been struggling to get myself "back on track". I haven't been eating right and exercise is a thing of the past. I've been overly stressed with trying to do too much and have had little patience for life in general.

Then Friday happened. And none of it matters.

I realized that life is too short (well, I've always known that - let's say I was reminded). I'll get back on track eventually. I'll start exercising again and eating right. I might even lose this weight eventually and keep it off.

But that stuff doesn't matter.

Being in the moment matters.

Enjoying and being able to see every blessing in your life matters. Knowing that even when you're arguing with your kids about brushing their teeth, getting ready for bed, being sassy, whatever it may be - that at least your kids are around to argue and fight with.

I want to say, "for some reason" this is really effecting me. But, we all know what that reason is. So, like a lot of you (perhaps all of you); this is really effecting me. I find that I can't put a lot of thought into it because when I do I lose it. The other night I went to check on my kids before I went to bed (as I usually do) and I simply lost it. I sat on the edge of my son's bed (he's 6 and a first grader) and sobbed. I eventually left his room afraid that I might wake him up. I then moved to my daughter's room (she's 8 and a 3rd grader). I looked down at her sweetly sleeping face and left her room to sit at the dining room table and cry some more. I can't fathom what these families are going through. It makes me sick to my stomach to think about what these children endured and what the survivors will have to deal with at such a preciously young age.

My cousin posted something on Facebook about being annoyed that people are constantly saying things like hug your children tight and say I love you, etc. As much as I agree with him (people should not need a tragedy like this to want to hug their children), I also see nothing wrong with being reminded to be grateful for what you have. The reality of it is that we all get caught up in the drama of life. We get caught up in our work stress or home stress or family stress and forget to take that minute to step back and really see everything we have. We tend to dwell on the things we don't have. And, as much as it shouldn't have to take people losing their lives, the reality is that sometimes it does.

Life is short. There will always be stresses. You will always want more than you have. But each day try to take a second and think about all your blessings. Be thankful for the little things and try to live in the moment. (I chuckled as I typed that because I can just hear my mom (and other close friends and family) laughing that I just told people to "live in the moment" and I rarely do. And they're right. I struggle with this. I anticipate what's going to happen next. I worry about what is coming. Well, I'm trying. More and more I'm trying. And unfortunately, more and more I'm reminded to be grateful for what I have and to enjoy every millisecond of it because we never know when it will be taken away from us.)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What I've been up to....

Well, hey there! Guess it's been a while since I've been here. I think I'm going to do a post full of pictures to show you just what I've been up to over the last 2 weeks. Let's see, I last left you with the information that no turkey's would be trotting from my house this year. I was busily getting ready to host my 2nd Thanksgiving of this year and working like crazy to get all my things in order before leaving for vacation.

Of course, if the only people who read this are people who I'm friends with on Facebook, they will already have seen all the pictures I'm about to put on this post. Oh well. Perhaps there are some people out there who read this who don't know me personally.

I did one more thing prior to leaving for vacation.

Mary and I decided it was time to cut the hair we've been growing for the past 2+ years to donate it to Locks of Love.

(Ok - I really need to learn how to do cool things with pictures like save them as a side-by-side picture so I can post them next to eachother on this blog. But, I don't know how to do that and I'm done taking the time to try to figure it out right now. So, instead I'll just post the pics. If anyone feels the need to give me a tutorial, please feel free to comment on this post!)

My long hair before....
Mary getting the ponytails cut off!

My after
Mary's After

Both of our hair ready to be donated.  

So after the big haircuts, we finished packing and running errands to get ready for the big trip to DISNEY!! And then around 3:00 AM on the Saturday after Thanksgiving we started our awesome, week-long trip to Disney. I took about 180 pictures so I can't post them all, but I'd like to take this time to post a few pictures from this phenomenal vacation!
You know you've arrived at Disney when you see Mickey on your bed!

Dinner at Planet Hollywood

Seeing Santa at Disney...does it get any better?
I have a picture of me and my sisters in front of this same wall.

Magic Kingdom lit up for Christmas
This was amazing at Hollywood Studios

Family pic at Animal Kingdom

The end of a great vacation!

And with that, I will leave you for now.