Monday, May 5, 2014

Whole30 - Day 14

2 weeks complete - 1 day away from the halfway point. I am still ready to be done with these very strict restrictions, but it has done what it really needed to do, which is get me back on track with eating healthy to lose this weight.

One thing I am not happy about today is that I am having some pretty bad acid reflux this evening. Now, prior to starting this I was experiencing really bad acid reflux on a daily basis. I started taking prilosec and that helped, but as soon as I would stop taking it the heartburn would come back (not good). In the past 14 days I have not taken any Prilosec or Zantac or anything and I've been mostly fine. I would get some slight discomfort here and there, but nothing bad enough to take anything for it. Tonight I took some Zantac and I'm still waiting for it to kick in. So that kind of ticks me off because that's one of the things that is supposed to pretty much disappear. And yes, it's been better, but still.

Without further ado, here is what day 14 has looked like:

I actually almost skipped breakfast (again) this morning. I'm just finding it difficult to decide what I'm in the mood for at breakfast time. However, around 8:30 I was pretty hungry so I decided to just make myself a scrambler with some of the leftover chorizo from yesterday's dinner. The chorizo gave it a nice little kick so it wasn't as boring as I thought it might be. I then had an apple as well.

Mary had her scotch egg and apple and Robbie had his sausage and apple for breakfast. I made Drew the same type of scrambler as mine and packed it for him to take to work.

Those totally look like actual fries!
The kids' lunches were the same as they've been. I'm perfectly happy that they are happy with the same things every day. Makes my life easier. Drew is also pretty easy to pack for as well. He got another salad with chicken on it.

I wasn't sure what I was going to have for lunch and then I decided that the roasted sweet potato fries I made the other night were really good. I had one pretty small sweet potato (and yes, they are white. There are white sweet potatoes, kind of neat), so I cut that up and put it in the oven to roast while I cleaned the kitchen (since it takes a good 30 minutes or more). I had some canned chicken too so I made some more chicken salad and had that with my sweet potato fries. YUMMY! I think I am completely addicted to these sweet potato fries. I think they're better than the orange sweet potatoes.

Dinner was a little bit of a pain in the butt (again). I actually didn't even realize how well I planned it (since I didn't actually plan it), but dinner tonight, on Cinco De Mayo, was taco meat with cauliflower tortillas. The taco meat wasn't what was a pain, although it wasn't all that flavorful either. I think I needed more of the spices. The cauliflower tortillas were a pain and, again, I didn't like them. However, Mary actually ate every morsel of food on her plate without complaining! And Robbie had a second serving - so one and a half tortillas.

So I guess dinner was a hit, but it wasn't a hit with me. Sigh. It definitely needed something else like guac and/or salsa. I suppose I should have thought of that, but I didn't. Lesson learned.

The Lowdown
Today was just another day. On day 14 I am still feeling like I don't think we are going to become a paleo family or anything, but I'm not regretting taking on this challenge either. I don't think this will be the right way for our family to eat 100% of the time, but it definitely has helped get me back on track. And I won't rule out doing another one at some point either because it is kind of nice to not have to weigh, measure and track my food and still lose weight. But, I'm also OK with weighing, measuring and tracking my food for a while to lose weight if it means I don't have to be quite as restrictive!

In other news today - I actually got on the treadmill again to walk for a while. I decided to see if I could run a half mile without stopping. I did it. Not fast by any means, but I did it nonetheless. I would really like to get back into the running scene. I had so much fun in 2011 and 2012 when I was running often and training for different events. I made a deal with myself. When I lose 30lbs I can sign up for a 5k. When I'm down a total of 50lbs, I can register for another half marathon (so hopefully some time in 2015). And we'll see from there. What's funny is when I lose 50lbs I'll be close to the lowest weight I got to in 2011, which means the bulk of the races I've done have been at a higher weight. But I don't want to do that anymore. I want to get this damn weight off me and I want to become a better, faster, runner. I don't have to be FAST, but if I could get to the point of running 10 min/miles consistently that would be amazing! But, I have to start somewhere and that's why I'm here doing this challenge.

Tomorrow brings the halfway point! Woo hoo! Hopefully it'll be a good day with it. I'm trying more new recipes tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

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