Sunday, May 18, 2014

Whole30 - Day 27

Oh my goodness gracious.....I am in a bad mood today! I really hate when I get like this. It's almost like an out of body experience. I can see how I have absolutely no patience, but I can't reign it in and stop. I feel like I have been like this for well over a week now - it's totally frustrating. And when I feel like this doing anything health related with food just ticks me off. Tonight was no exception.

Mary and Robbie both had friends sleepover last night so I made a big scrambler for everyone with sausage, bacon, onion and green peppers. Mary requested more scotch eggs too so I made some of those.
I just made myself some chicken salad on lettuce for lunch today. Drew had a lara bar. Mary had egg salad (of course) and Robbie had some leftover chicken wings. 

The planned dinner tonight was grilled salmon with guacamole. I don't particularly care for salmon and have never made it myself, but figured this was a good time to try it again. This might not have been the smartest decision this particular week. I was cooking it and when I tested it to see if it flaked I decided to try the piece that flaked off. I did not like it. I'm tired, crabby and hungry - never a good combination. I'm already assuming the kids won't like it because I don't and I already know that Drew isn't a big fan of salmon either. I'm feeling like a failure for picking something so stupid, etc, etc, etc. Sigh.

Anyway, Drew ended up going to the grocery store to get some rotisserie chicken to have on hand for back up. Turns out we didn't need it. Not only did the kids eat their entire piece of fish, they both talked about how much they liked it! Drew finished his as well and I made it through about half of mine.
BUT, before dinner Mary had her last volleyball game of the season. Her team finished off their winning season and remained undefeated. The coaches had emailed parents ahead of time that they would be taking them to get ice cream after the game tonight. So, before dinner tonight this happened:

They were so happy that we let them have ice cream tonight! Mary was concerned that they wouldn't get their reward for completing the 30 days, but Robbie pointed out that this was me letting them get ice cream and we would still give them the reward (he's a little too smart for his own good)!

Robbie was a little crazy from the sugar, but honestly not any worse than he is other times and has been throughout these 27 days. Neither of them complained about their stomachs hurting and they still came home and proceeded to eat dinner so that was good.

The Lowdown
I'm in a bad mood. I don't have much to say about this that I haven't already said in multiple blog posts. Only 3 more days to endure these posts! :)

And with that I'll leave you with a picture of the Blue Thunder Dragons! :)

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