Today was another good day! This is definitely getting easier, but the idea of being able to splurge a little here and there is still something I miss! And, unfortunately, I still fear that I might binge when this is over. I'm going to try not to though and just continue on this road to lose weight. This was a good starting point and I think I really needed a challenge like this to get the ball rolling, but I'm looking forward to a little more freedom (hmmmm..I feel like I've said that once before. LOL)!
Here is what the day looked like:
After breakfast my mom and I did some shopping and before we knew it it was 2PM. She asked what I wanted for lunch and I said I didn't even feel all that hungry so I could just have a snack or fruit or something. She then suggested Panera to get a salad and I said sure. By then I did have a headache, but my stomach didn't necessarily feel hungry. We get to Panera and get our meals (I got the chopped chicken cobb with avocado without cheese or dressing). They did have olive oil and lemons for the dressing so I did that. I took a few bites of the salad and told my mom that it tasted SO good. Apparently I was way more hungry than I thought. I ate it up and was halfway through my apple when I realized I didn't take a picture. So this is what you get to see of my salad....all gone!

The Lowdown
I pretty much said it all above. In lots of ways it is getting easier, but I actually think we have some difficult days ahead of us. This weekend is going to be particularly challenging. Tomorrow night we have the Relay for Life (so I have to pack us dinner that we usually eat there. In years past we've just brought Subway). Saturday we have soccer and volleyball and then we're going to a Lake County Captains (minor-league baseball team for Indian's) game and then Sunday is Mother's Day. But, once we get through this weekend we only have one more weekend to get through!
I now know we can do this. I know we'll get to day 30, but there may be some more dark times to come! :)
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