Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wednesday Weigh-In #2

Needless to say it's been a rough week. I have now taken 2 doses of prednisone though and I am already seeing improvements so that's good. I'm staying positive and this is GOING to work. I have never caught a flare this early so I'm hopeful that I'll be able to stop it faster than ever as well.

But moving on to what we all want to know, right?? Weigh-in Wednesday!! I am VERY proud of how I handled my week regardless of what the scale said this morning. I tracked every day last week. If I wasn't sure of the points for something, I estimated as best I could with what WW had in their database. I tracked my steps every day with my Vivofit and made a conscious effort to hit my step goal every day (and the Vivofit gives me a new goal every day based on how well I'm doing with meeting my goals - so the more I meet & exceed them, the more steps I have to do the next day).

Despite starting to flare, I did not succumb to emotional eating. I did have wine this week, but it was one time and I didn't gorge myself in the process. I also counted every ounce of what I drank! And the results of my hard work this week were excellent!

Weight lost this week = 4.2 pounds
Total lost since re-starting WW on June 4 = 5.4 pounds
Total weight lost since starting the Whole30 on April 22 = 17.4 pounds

The key this week will be once again to track everything and stay within my points range. Last week I used all my daily points every day (well, except last night - I ended the day with 3 points left); all my 49 weekly points and 22 of my 32 earned activity points. I was a little nervous about counting all those activity points because I'm not really doing "activity" perse, but I'm tracking my steps over the day and there is an option to enter your steps in from "all-day" to get activity points. My average steps per day right now are 8109. I plan to work up to 10,000 steps per day so I'm happy with 8000 now.

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