Tuesday, June 24, 2014


I'm going to start with the positive for this post. I currently have a streak of sorts happening and I almost let it go last night, but decided that would be really dumb.

So, as I've mentioned before, I bought a Garmin Vivofit back in March to help track my activity. I decided on the Vivofit for a number of reasons, but one of the things I really liked about it is that it gives you a new goal each morning depending on what you did the day before. I believe when I first got the band my step goal each day was somewhere around 5000 steps. If I made that goal one day the next day it would increase, but only by a few steps. Even if I had a day where I hit 10,000 steps, it would only increase my goal by a couple hundred steps.

I've had this on my wrist since I bought it back in March, but I haven't really been using it to its' full capacity. I would see what my steps were for the day, but didn't really care if I wasn't hitting my goals. A few days ago I realized that I've been paying more attention to hitting my goal each day. I had noticed one day online that my longest streak of meeting my step goal was 5 days. I also happened to be at a current streak of 5 days. At that moment I decided I'm going to try to meet my step goal (the one that the Vivofit gives me) every day and see how long I can keep the streak going.

Lots of green lines! 
As you can see from the green lines above, my current streak is 11 days. Last night I almost ended my streak. It was 10 PM and I still had to walk over 2800 steps to hit my goal for the day. I haven't been doing great with my food so I almost just threw in the towel. Around 10:15 I decided that would be really stupid and it actually doesn't take me that long to get in a couple thousand steps. I went downstairs on the treadmill and walked for about 25 minutes to get the rest of my steps in for the day! 

Because I have hit my step goal for 11 days, my goal has been steadily increasing each day. My goal for today is 9,108. With my goal so close to 10,000 steps it is getting a little more difficult to get those steps in every day. I have to make more of a conscious effort to get off my butt more and get those steps in! 

And the not so great news - my food has not been good. I did OK until about Sunday. I tracked everything and was within my points through Saturday night. Sunday was terrible and I ate lots of extra points. I did better yesterday, but then again ate too much yesterday evening. My official weigh in isn't until tomorrow, but I will be up this week - hopefully just a little bit. I'm OK with this. It happens. I do, however, need to stop doing this one good week, one bad week thing. At this point I'd even take 3 good weeks and one bad week out of a month! It's a process and I'm going to get there. 

Last but not least, the Crohn's update. The prednisone is definitely working, but I step down the dosage this morning and I'm a little worried that it isn't going to stay at bay. I'm still having some issues, but nothing like it was a week ago. I'm going to stay positive and know that if I get my eating back under control as well that can only help the issue. We'll see where we go from here. 

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