Sunday, April 15, 2018

Lazy Sunday

This week has been an interesting one. I last left you on Tuesday when I told you about my "bad" day. I'm happy to report that the rest of the week has been FLAWLESS! Actually, it's been kind of amazing. I will tell you that I decided on Wednesday to get back on the scale because clearly it is helping me currently rather than hurting me.

That stupid number on the scale is driving me right now because I SO badly want to get to ONEderland. Seeing the number on the scale every morning reminds me how close I really am. There have been days this week that I will literally say the number in my head over and over to remind myself what I really want.

So Wednesday the scale was up from Monday - not at all surprising and I wasn't even phased by it. Actually, since it was only up .8 from Monday it drove me to get right back on track and get it moving back down. I decided to go back into my tracker and estimate everything I ate on Tuesday. I was pleasantly surprised to see that I didn't even use all my weeklies so really I was still on track to meet all my goals this week.

Wednesday I ended my day having eaten only 15/23 points. That .8 was gone on Thursday morning. Again, motivation to keep going so that the scale keeps dropping this week.

Thursday I ended my day at 18/23 points. I got on the treadmill again and ran for 30 minutes without stopping, faster than I did on Tuesday. Friday morning the scale was down another .6. Motivation galore! Feeling so good about getting back on track after my Tuesday binge.

We got pizza on Friday and I ordered a lighter pizza than usual and ate only 2 pieces. I ended my Friday at 24/23 points. It was the first day since Tuesday that I even ate all my allotted points (even Monday I only ate 19/23 points).

My mom and I decided to run on Saturday this week instead of Sunday because the weather was supposed to be better yesterday (which is also why today is a lazy Sunday for me). I got up to get ready for my run and got on the scale (of course). It was down yet again - a whole pound down from the day before! Guys, it was 200.4! Yesterday was the day that I recited that number in my head over and over again. I did it towards the end of our 6 mile run when I was ready to be done. I did it throughout the day when I was starving even though I had already eaten. I did it last night when I decided to go to bed instead of eating something even though I had been hungry all day (one of those days that nothing was touching my hunger). I ended yesterday at 20/23 points on the day.

I was and am SO proud of myself. When I got on the scale this morning I was slightly annoyed because the scale was UP from yesterday. It's fine. I know it'll go back down and I know I have done everything "right" this week. Even when you take into account my eating on Tuesday I have tracked what I've eaten; stayed within my points; and (as of right now) haven't even gone through all my weeklies.

 I have been eating more today because I'm still hungry. I really think on a day I run 6 miles I have to eat more than I did yesterday. I think my body was actually telling me I was legitimately hungry and I was trying my best to ignore it. Although I failed at ignoring it, I didn't feed it.

As of this morning I had 20/42 of my weeklies left (because even though I used a ton on Tuesday I rolled over points every day this week except for Friday) so I have plenty of points to have a higher point/calorie day today; but that might mean the scale will go up tomorrow instead of going down for my "official" weigh in day. I'm here now to say (and remind myself) I'm totally fine with that. 'Cuz guess what? It'll go back down on Tuesday when I stay consistent (because I will stay consistent). There are always going to be normal weight fluctuations. I got to a point this week where I didn't want to eat, even if I had points available, because I didn't want to risk seeing the scale go up the next day. In the end that was stupid because it went up anyway. It was also stupid because that's not a healthy mindset. I could have (and probably should have) eaten more yesterday and I still would have been completely on plan. Today I'm eating more; but I'm ON plan. Tomorrow the scale will say whatever it wants and I'll be fine. It's not likely to be 199, but that's OK. It'll be 199 soon. And then it'll keep going down after that. To help you understand why this number is such a big deal to me you need to realize it has been 7 years since I've been under 200 and over 12 years since I've been under 200 consistently. What's another few days to wait for it to be here, right??

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