Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Day 9 of 55

Today was NOT a good day. How funny things can change so rapidly from one day to the next.


But I'm over it. There isn't anything I can do about it now so why stress about it and make things worse?

Today started off excellent. After getting the kids off to school I got on the treadmill to do my Tuesday run. It was GREAT because I ran for 30 minutes with NO walk breaks today! It was slow, but I did 30 minutes and it actually didn't even seem that hard! My averages are skewed because I do a 5 minute warm up and then I did a 10 minute cool down, but my average heart rate was only 127 and my max HR was only 154! This is huge! I was feeling so good and was thinking about how I would write another totally positive blog post about how awesome my runs have been lately.

I ate breakfast, which was fine and then worked for the bulk of the day. It was getting late and after I ate my planned lunch I just fell apart. It was weird and I was totally aware of it happening; but it was just crazy. I completely lost control and just let myself binge. Like I said though, it happened and I'm over it. Tomorrow is a new day and I will continue to focus on my goals.

What is totally interesting to me though is that one of my goals was to stay off the scale this week. I did not get on the scale this morning and I truly wonder if I had gotten on the scale this morning would today have gone differently? I know the scale shouldn't dictate what my day entails; but if it's dictating it in a good way isn't that OK? I mean, if the scale was down, I can't imagine I would have binged. If it was up then perhaps the outcome would have stayed the same today but perhaps not. Perhaps I would have convinced myself that a binge was NOT more important than meeting my goals. I don't know. But I do find it weird that the day I stayed off the scale is the same day I binged. Something to think about.

But, my running has been awesome lately. I haven't really discussed it lately because I've been so focused on the weight loss stuff; but the running has been pretty great. I've been running 3 days a week for the past several weeks. Tuesday and Thursday I run on the treadmill and focus on running with no walk breaks. Sundays I meet my mom for a long run to train for the 10k during the Cleveland Marathon in May. The long runs are not that long currently, but they are longer than my weekday runs so there you go!

I've increased my weekday runs from running 20 minutes non-stop to running 30 minutes today. The long runs have increased to 5 miles and each week we either got faster or went farther (or went farther AND got faster)!

One bad day isn't going to erase all of this progress. Back on track 110% tomorrow!

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