Friday, April 25, 2014


Today started out a little on the rough side. I dared to put spinach in the scrambler this morning instead of the green peppers (which, mind you, the kids complained about the peppers as well), and the kids complained and whined about the spinach. Mary even went as far to barely eat any breakfast because of it.

Oh well. It is bound to happen many more times over the next 26 days. My kids don't eat enough veggies and that's part of why I wanted them to be involved in this. I'm hoping that their taste buds will change a little over the course of 30 days and they will start to like more veggies. Only time will tell.

So every (or almost every) Friday morning I go to breakfast with my neighbor and then we go do our grocery shopping. We started doing this some time last year and it works well for us. Anyway, so we went to breakfast this morning and I stayed as compliant as possible. I asked for them to make my eggs with no butter and got items that I thought wouldn't have added sugar. I did get Cajun sausage in my scrambler so that would be the only thing that maybe had a little sugar in it. I'm not too concerned though.

A yummy breakfast scrambler with spinach, onions, and Cajun sausage with a side of fresh fruit.

This breakfast was actually really good at keeping me full. I ate breakfast around 8:30 and didn't eat lunch until about 1:30. I decided I was just going to have some of the chicken salad I made yesterday on top of some greens (romaine lettuce and spinach). It was quite yummy and filling (yes, it was a big salad).

One of the things I actually enjoy about this program is the fact that you don't need to count calories or anything like that. However, they do give you a meal template that you are supposed to follow. So, for each meal you should have 1-2 servings of protein (a serving is the size of your palm) and then fill the rest of your plate with vegetables. They go on to say that you need some healthy fat with each meal as well, 1-2 thumb size portions. So, the chicken salad has the protein, the mayo has the fat and the salad is obviously the veggie. In case you were wondering how I decide how much I should eat.

Yum. Wings, green beans and sugar snap peas.
Once again dinner was a huge success! Well, not all the way around. The kids still complain about the veggies (it IS only day 4). But, the main dish was a hit! I made Paleo Glazed Chicken Wings from this website. They were so yummy and filled the house with a wonderful aroma while they cooked. I started the kids each out with 3 wings and Robbie finished his before I could even sit down. He ended up having 9 wings! After he finished the first 3 he said "these are better than bdubs!" (as in Buffalo Wild Wings). Mary ended up having 5. The problem is still the veggies. Robbie ate some of his green beans and then had some raw carrots instead because he didn't like the green beans.

The Lowdown
Today was a good day. I didn't snack at all (although I may have some walnuts and/or fruit tonight after I post this). I did get another headache today but I'm not sure if that's from the food or the weather. I was also tired. But, again, that's because I continue to have a hard time sleeping. This wonderful sleep that they talk about really needs to kick in soon! I was a little worried about today because according to that pesky timeline, days 4 & 5 are "Kill ALL the things"! I actually felt like I had more patience today than other days. Robbie seemed a little more on edge last night than usual so perhaps that was his kill all the things moment. Today has really seemed fine though in our household. We'll see what tomorrow brings! (besides soccer and volleyball)!

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