Monday, April 21, 2014

A Tough Choice

Well, I guess I lied! My last post (WAY back in January) talked about how I thought my new approach to eating and exercising was working. Yea, we all know how this goes with me. It didn't last long. I probably jinxed it right after I wrote the blog post.

I suppose the good news is that I "only" weigh 3 pounds more than I did on January 6th. This is actually a very big deal and I'm going to be quite happy about that...considering. Clearly, I have struggled with getting back on track. Considering how off track I've been, I'm amazed and happy that I've only done 3 more pounds worth of damage. And it ends NOW!

Back in March I decided to meet with a chiropractor who apparently does a lot with nutrition and how food affects your overall health (including things like Crohn's disease). I have always been hesitant about any "holistic" medicine. I don't necessarily have a good reason for being hesitant about it other than;  it could be expensive since insurance won't pay for it, and then what if it doesn't work anyway.

My mom said that when she was talking to this doctor about me he was so excited to work with me because working with "cases" like me are his passion. I was impressed when I met with him and he spent an hour and twenty minutes talking to me. He said that he believes he can help me if I'm willing to do what is necessary. He went through all the science behind what happens to your body when you eat certain foods like refined carbohydrates and other processed food. He basically told me that he thinks he could help me, but only if I'm willing to do what is necessary. He said that we could take baby steps, but that I would likely have to give up certain things (like refined carbs and processed foods).

I don't know if I blogged about it at all (I don't think I did), but back in August 2013, my husband and I tried the Whole30. He did it for almost the entire 30 days, but I wasn't able to last because I was too sick to eat anything, let alone a bunch of veggies and meat. I was also overly stressed because of how sick I was feeling and just couldn't deal with it. However, my husband had wonderful results. He would have kept going, but I stopped cooking for him after his doctor's appointment. In just 24 days he lost 17lbs (and losing that weight probably put him within 10lbs of his goal weight) and all of his numbers (cholesterol, blood pressure, etc) were within normal range.

So, the tough choice was to embark on another Whole30 journey. Starting tomorrow, my entire family is going to start a Whole30 challenge. I plan to blog my experience daily so anyone who is interested can read and learn more about it. This way of eating tends to be a little controversial because you're eliminating basically everything but lean proteins (meat, seafood, chicken, turkey, etc), veggies, fruit, healthy fats (olive oil, avocado's, coconut oil, etc) and nuts and seeds. I am sure it will be challenging, but we are actually all looking forward to it. The website has a lot of great information and even gives a timeline of things you can expect to experience while your body goes through withdrawal of things like sugar.

The hope is that through this I'll re-start my journey to a healthier me and work on everything from my Crohn's disease to my weight problems to my unhealthy relationship with food. Wish me luck!

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