Today was a good day. We went to visit the in-laws (as we do on many Sundays). I told my mother in-law that she needn't worry about food for my family as I'll be bringing our lunch. I took time last night getting the kids' lunches ready and then got my husbands' and mine ready this morning.
But first...
No picture, but slightly different. I made a scrambler with just eggs, zucchini and onion. I found some "paleo-friendly" bacon that has no added sugar at the grocery store so I made that today and put it on the side as opposed to in the scrambler. The kids devoured the bacon (of course) and Robbie ate every morsel of his serving of eggs and veggies. Mary....well...she's still a work in progress with the veggies. I really hope that this is going to broaden her horizons when it comes to veggies.
One thing that's great about this way of eating as a family is that it forces even more sit down meals. We have always eaten dinner as a family 95% of the time. But, on the weekends we would often not eat breakfast; or the kids would eat snacky things like granola bars and pudding once we reminded them that they may want to eat something! Yesterday and today we sat down to a family breakfast, lunch and dinner! It's actually quite nice.

Robbie ate his entire lunch and complained of still being hungry. He ended up having an apple and one of those small oranges. When we got home he still complained of being hungry. I realized that he probably isn't drinking enough since he seems to be such a bottomless pit lately. He isn't the biggest fan of plain water so he's barely drinking with meals and not drinking much in between. I suggested he have some water.
For dinner I attempted to make paleo lemonade - so lemonade with natural sweeteners (like honey, which is what I used). Technically on the whole30 you're not allowed to even have honey, but I figured for the kids I'll let it slide because Robbie really needs to be drinking more. He loves lemonade so I thought this would work. Yea, seems easy, but it wasn't. It smelled nasty and didn't turn out great. I saved it though and will try to mess with it more tomorrow to see if I can get it to taste more like lemonade. But Robbie did drink a fair amount of plain water with dinner tonight so that was good. And, it was the first time I've heard him say "I'm full" in a while!

After Mary's volleyball game tonight (which they won! They are now undefeated at 4-0), I spent about 1.5 hours in the kitchen prepping food for the week (and doing dishes). Unfortunately I'm not completely prepped, but I have a good start on it.
I'm feeling a little uneasy because I never really did complete a menu for this week. I need to look at what I wrote down for at least 4 dinners (because I think that's how far I got in my planning) and at least get the rest of the school/work week planned out. I feel better when I know what I'm making each day. Breakfast and lunch is all planned for the people who need packed meals so that's good at least!
The Lowdown
It's still going well. Do I get frustrated? Absolutely. I get frustrated that I'm trying to come up with creative things to get the kids to enjoy them and they still don't. I get frustrated when I'm in the kitchen for what feels like all day and am doing dishes 4 times a day. But, I am also proud that we're doing this as a family. I'm proud that we've stuck to it for 6 days. Most importantly, I'm hopeful that I'll start to see those wonderful changes in the days to come. The book and timeline say days 10-11 are the most common days to quit. And when you read the timeline (and the book) you see that you really don't start seeing any of the awesome benefits "they" talk about until very close to the end. Therefore, I am determined to make it to and past all of these difficult days. We will make it to day 31!
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