One thing that I did want to discuss falls under the TMI category. However, one of the main reasons I'm doing this is to help my Crohn's disease so these topics are bound to come up. I was super excited yesterday because I did not wake up and immediately need to use the bathroom (and I'm not talking pee). I actually didn't end up using the bathroom in that regard until after lunch. This, my friends, is a pretty big deal. However, today, I find that every time I use the bathroom it's not just loose, but basically water. Hmmmm...potentially not good. But, I don't have any severe stomach cramps or anything like that that usually goes with Crohn's so I'm chalking it up to my body adjusting to all this lovely fiber that I'm ingesting that I don't usually have. I think my body just needs to figure out how to process it. So, I'm going to keep an eye on that and see what happens.
Other than that, I honestly am not feeling any different yet. It is only day 3 so I didn't really expect any dramatic changes quite yet.
Again, same breakfast as yesterday. This morning I only made 6 eggs because yesterday both kids and Drew threw away a little of theirs. However, this morning both kids were complaining of still being hungry and Mary requested more eggs.

I spent a good part of today doing some more food prep. I made some chicken salad for lunch over the weekend, made some more homemade mayo, cut up some more carrots, prepped the mashed cauliflower for dinner tonight and washed dishes. One of the things about this diet is there is a lot of dish washing! I told my husband tonight that I think I've done the dishes 4 times today. I took a picture of what my mayo looks like for anyone that might be interested.
Today was a good batch too. Nice and creamy....yum!
Tonight's dinner was pork loin roast with mashed cauliflower and green beans (which were tossed with ghee). The kids weren't crazy about the mashed cauliflower. I thought it was OK. It was very creamy, but there was something I didn't love....maybe the texture, maybe the taste, I'm not sure.
The Lowdown
I'm pretty happy with today overall. I did snack on some walnuts today and those are on the "limit" list, but overall I think I'm doing a good job so far. For some reason I feel like I'm having a hard time planning meals much more than 1 or 2 days in advance. It's really not a huge deal because I don't work so I can go to the store as needed, but I imagine that will get old as well. It's kind of funny because I like planning so I'm not sure why I'm having a mental block with planning the meals for next week. I'll get them planned though and it'll all work out. Perhaps next week I'll start to reintroduce some activity as well. But for now I'm just focusing on the food.
Until tomorrow........
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