Thursday, October 4, 2012

And Let's Not Forget My Husband....

You didn't really think I'd write this super long, mushy post about my mom and not have one about my husband, did you?

Can you tell I'm getting just slightly emotional before the big day??

So, this one's for my husband.
A slave to my craziness?!?!
 It may not appear that he did as much to support me as my mom. It's not like he was next to me on the trail for 5+ hours hurting his butt and having to talk to me for that long to distract me. His support came in a different, but just as important, way.

Back in late-2011 when I first thought I MIGHT want to attempt 26.2 this year, I knew that I couldn't do it without Drew's full support. I knew that I couldn't make this decision on my own and it wasn't just about whether or not I could do it. It was about whether or not he was willing to support me through it. And when I decided I was serious and really asked him about it, he didn't even pause. He did tell me that his opinion would be that perhaps I should do more 13.1's before attempting a 26.2, but that if I felt the need to do this in order to continue to challenge myself; that he would support me 100%. When I explained to him this would mean that I would be gone for hours on end on the weekends...and then be out of commission the remainder of the day even when I was back from running; he said "I know..and I'm OK with that". Lots of people can say that. But when it comes down to reality, they might realize they don't really mean it.

He did mean it. And he has been awesome.

He has been supportive through this entire journey of mine. But, he seems to almost get more supportive along the way. You might think this would be opposite. That he might get sick of having to support my crazy endeavors and that he'd start complaining or doing less to help or whatever. But he hasn't.

For May when I did the Cleveland Half Marathon it was decided that he would NOT bother bringing the kids to watch me finish because they came last year, etc. I actually can't remember what the other reasons were, but I was actually totally fine with this (usually I REALLY want my family at the finish line). This was going to be the first big race that they wouldn't be there when I finished, but I was honestly OK with it. Actually, I think I made the decision for them NOT to come. This race sucked. We won't get into that, but I wasn't necessarily in a great mood upon coming home. But, I came home to the house having been cleaned, the laundry being done, the grocery list already completed and the kids playing outside. Drew had gotten the kids doughnuts for breakfast and had ones leftover for us as well (SIL and Ade were there too). This was SO much better than them watching me finish what was a tough race anyway. After I got home, Drew went to the grocery store (I think...although maybe I did); and then he cooked dinner that night as well. I didn't do much the rest of the day.

Then, there was a 10 mile race on Father's Day. Drew didn't even bat an eye at the fact that I wanted to do this. I asked him if he would care, and if he would, I wouldn't have done it. But, he didn't care and he (along with my parents and kids) were waiting for me at the finish line. For whatever reason this race wiped me out. And, on a day that he should be relaxing and having me wait on him, he was wrangling the kids and dealing with the fact that I kept falling asleep on the couch. All the while never making a fuss about it. He may not have been happy about it, but he didn't show it at all.

Gotta love the possessed look on Robbie's face...we were hungry. I'm surprised anyone was smiling.
And now, through the thick of marathon training he has been nothing but supportive. He wasn't mad that when, on our anniversary weekend, I had 24 miles on the training schedule. We couldn't plan anything fun because I was running Friday and the kids had football and cheerleading on Saturday and Sunday. We ended up at dinner Friday night as a family because I was too tired to do anything else. And, again, he was totally fine with this. Or, at least he led me to believe he was - and let's face it, that's all that really matters!

So, I'm trying to find pictures to add to this post and it just depressed me that we don't have nearly enough pictures of the 2 of us recently. All the pics came from our trip to Disney from last September. I know part of it is that there aren't many pictures of me because 1) I don't frankly like looking at pics of me lately and 2) I'm usually the one taking them. But, I think that needs to change! THANK YOU to my wonderful & supportive husband of  11 years. I could never have done any of this stuff without your constant love and support. I do think that I tell you a lot, but in case I don't tell you enough; I love and appreciate everything you do for me!
And that includes agreeing to go back to Disney because we had so much fun there!

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