Thursday, September 3, 2015

Day 3 Victory!

So today was starting off pretty well actually. After I got up and got the kids out of the house I checked my Garmin Vivofit stats from yesterday to see what my total calories burned for the day was. I was happy to see that I broke the 3000 mark! Sparkpeople is what I've gone back to using for tracking my food and exercise (I'm also on My Fitness Pal, but I've lost 40lbs with Sparkpeople in the past so I went back to that). Anyway, Sparkpeople has my BMR listed as 2210. What I am basically striving for each day is to eat at least 500 less calories than my BMR (so 1710 calories or less) and then burn 500 calories with my workout so that I have a 1000 calorie deficit. As I get smaller I'll obviously change this. But my BMR will go down as my weight goes down, so that will change the equation as well :) Yesterday I ate 1628 calories and burned a total of 3004 calories. That means my total calorie deficit yesterday was 1376!!

Moving today started out pretty well. And then my son's school called. Again. He is having a hard time adjusting to his new school and keeps acting out when he gets angry or upset in class. Awesome. Today the phone call came from the Principle. I was in the car so I turned it around and went to the school to talk about what was happening. I had told my son that if he got in trouble again I would have to take away football in some capacity. So tonight he couldn't go to practice. We'll see if that does the trick. Who knows though. I thought just threatening it would work, but he had to test to see if I'd actually do it. And I did.

Here is why day 3 is a victory though....days like this would ALWAYS result in a glass bottle of wine. I even had a bottle that I bought at the grocery store today specifically because I have a recipe planned that has 1.5 cups of wine in it. But I easily could have just say screw it and opened that bottle tonight and just buy another one later. Well....that bottle of wine is still full, unopened, and on my counter. And the best part? I don't even really mind. I'm not angry or resentful or upset that I "can't" have the wine. I really feel like I'm choosing not to have it and am totally OK with that.

And when the thunder and lightening started around 6:30 I decided that I better get on the treadmill in case this storm really opens up and I can't do it later (like if we lose power or something). So I did. 30 minutes again on the treadmill. I went farther than I have either of the last 2 nights and my average heart rate was lower. I love seeing progress even only on day 3. THESE are the things I need to focus on. Not what the scale says.

Speaking of the scale. It's only day 3 and I really want to weigh myself. I am so curious to see. Because, let's be honest, I AM doing this to lose weight. This is the difficult change to make for me. How do I shift in my brain to not focus on that? I guess just keep working at it. So. I am working on it. My next infusion is on September 15th and I will be weighed at my doctor's office. That will also be day 15. My goal for right now is to not weigh myself until I step on that scale. Then, I can determine what I've lost in about 3.5 weeks since I had my physical with my primary doc.

Tomorrow is day 4 and the real challenge begins. It's day 4, Friday, the kids are out of school, labor day weekend, and I have not yet decided which day I'm going to let myself relax a little. I don't need to be perfect, but I need to continue to track my food all but maybe one day. We'll see what happens. Only time will tell.......

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