Yesterday ended up being my best day yet in terms of my calorie deficit. I ended up eating 1488 calories and burned 2946 calories for a deficit of 1458!

It was the BEST day ever to go apple picking. We got there within the first hour they were open so there was only 1 other family there. It was the first day of apple picking so the trees were full of beautiful, enormous apples. It was overcast so the bees weren't around much either. In just about 10 minutes we had 17lbs of apples!

One amazing thing about today is that we actually ate lunch at home today! You may think it's funny that I say that's amazing, but usually when the kids have a day off of school I take them out to lunch. The kids pretty much ate what they usually have for a packed lunch and I had a yummy lunch of bacon & avocado wrapped in turkey with a side of a big juicy apple!
It was a very good lunch. Since we had decided to go pick apples this morning I hadn't gotten around to eating breakfast. I had an apple while picking so that was pretty much my breakfast. This was my lunch and by dinner I had eaten less than 500 calories. This is a good thing because Friday nights a lot of the time are pizza and movie nights in our household. I am not a huge fan of pizza hut, but what I do love about them is they have a nutrition calculator on their website. We got pizza hut because they had a cheap deal. I entered all the pizza I ate and still had calories left on the day. This was a good thing because the other thing I did today was make my very first apple pie from scratch! And OMG, this pie was really good if I do say so myself! :)
And if you can even imagine it.....on a night that I usually sit on the couch eating pizza and drinking wine; I went downstairs on the treadmill again at 8 PM. And I improved once again. I went a farther distance in the same 30 minutes I've been doing. And the best part? My average heart rate was the same as 2 days ago when I first incorporated running intervals and didn't go as far. THIS is what it's about. In just 4 short days I'm already making a difference. THIS is what feels good.
But I still want to get on the scale ;) But I haven't.
Tomorrow's another day and another challenge but I feel ready to face it head on. I'm trying to convince myself that as long as I get through this weekend with burning more calories than I eat then I'm golden. That means even if it's only a 100 calorie deficit it'll be OK. This is the slippery slope for me. I don't want to put too much pressure on myself, but when I try to convince myself not to be too hard on myself I go to the opposite extreme and let myself just have the whole weekend "off" or something. A work in progress....only time will tell. On to another day!
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