Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A Step in the Right Direction

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend and "last weekend of the summer".

Day 5 - Saturday
I had intentions today of staying 100% on track, but then I had also not really planned out my weekend to decide which day I was going to allow to be my "free" day. I started the day with a hard boiled egg and an apple. My daughter had been talking about wanting to go to Abuelo's the night before but we didn't. It sounded good to me but since I know Mexican is pretty bad I decided that I wouldn't worry about tracking on Saturday. So, we had dinner with friends that night (ribs) and I drank some wine. I didn't track, but I was more than likely eating more calories than I burned today. Calories burned = 2305

Day 6 - Sunday
Again I had intentions of being spot on today (you can see where this is going). I wasn't. But, I didn't track so I'm actually thinking if I were to have tracked I might find that I WAS spot on today. I didn't eat breakfast, had pizza for lunch and then a 6 inch sub for dinner at Blossom. I would estimate that today I was probably pretty close to what I burned or even ate a little less than what I burned. Calories burned = 2460

Day 7 - Monday
Yea, I pretty much decided at this point that it is what it is and I would get completely back on track tomorrow (today). I ate a lot today and very little of it was healthy. But, I am moving on. Calories burned =

Day 8 - TODAY
Well, I did get on the scale this morning. I couldn't help it. I had to see what the outcome was of 4 REALLY good days and 3 not so great days. The good news? I was down. Down .6lbs and I will take that and run with it. I am going to get completely back on track today and see if I can have an even better week than last week. Baby steps, right? That's really what making a lifestyle change is about, right? No one can expect to completely change over night so I'm not going to either. The important thing is to keep going. To pick myself up and brush myself off. I made conscious choices to eat the way I did this weekend and I'm OK with that.

I have dinner in the crock pot and already counted in my tracker. I plan to do turkey, avocado, bacon roll-ups for lunch (yum and EASY) and I think maybe I'll go make myself a scrambler for breakfast now before it gets too late.

Here's to the start of an awesome week 2!

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