Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Staying Focused

It's Day 7 - that means tomorrow is another weigh in day. The fact that I'm willing to say it's Day 7 must also mean that I'm still on track.

I'm doing well....not perfect, but I'm doing it.

Last night my good friend texted me to see if I wanted to come help her paint at her new house. I had been asking her how I could help her, so even though I didn't necessarily feel like going I went. In the end I am so glad that I did. I knew I would be happy about it after I got there, which is part of the reason I went.

Anyway, I spent the next 2+ hours painting, and even though I was also drinking some wine, I tracked everything. Again, my tracking may not have been perfect. I didn't measure the glasses of wine; I didn't measure the peanuts that I would take from the container, but I estimated for my tracker. I earned a bunch of activity points between running on the treadmill, painting, and getting over 12000 steps (I only counted the painting and the 12000 steps - I don't count the running separately since that's why I get the steps!). I ended my day yesterday at 0. 0 daily points, 0 activity points and 0 weekly points remaining.

My goal today is to only eat the points I have - right now that means 35. If I earn some activity points that'll give me a few extra if I need them. As of right now I have what I've eaten so far today and my planned dinner in my tracker and still have 9 points left to play with. I should earn a few activity points (more if I get on my treadmill later to walk or run). I feel pretty confident that I can get through today.

I got on the scale this morning and it was down considerably from last Wednesday so I'm hopeful for tomorrow's weigh in. At this point there isn't much I could do to see a gain on the scale tomorrow morning, but I'd really like to see it down as much as it was this morning, if not more!

I may not be able to post tomorrow because I am taking the kids to Cedar Point for the first time!  I haven't quite decided how I'm going to handle tomorrow yet. One thing I know - I am going to eat what I want. I simply haven't decided if I'm just going to write off the day and start fresh Thursday or if I'm going to end up counting my points for Wednesday so I know how many points I really used. I usually figure this out after the fact. Last Saturday when I had my little splurge I didn't count it that night. I had basically made the decision that I wasn't going to count it and I was just going to get back on the next day and try not to touch my weekly points (assuming I used them all that night). But then Sunday when I got up I decided to estimate what I ate. And in the end this was a better decision because I actually hadn't used all of my weekly points. So we'll see. I'm sure I'll get lots of steps in tomorrow so that'll help as well.

Ok. That's it. Just thought I would check in with some positive posts once in a while! Fingers crossed that the scale is nice to me tomorrow!

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