Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Turkey Trot

Well, I have officially decided that there will be no turkey's from this house trotting this year. I'm a little saddened by it, but know that, for me, this was the best decision. One reason it makes me a little sad is because I've done this race for several years. Aurora started their turkey trot in 2007. I did not do it that year, but proceeded to participate in 2008, 2010 and 2011. I had every intention of doing it this year, but life has just gotten in the way.

The grand plan was that we were going to do this 4 mile run as a family. After our family 5k a few weeks back, we decided the kids could probably handle it. However, then I decided that they actually struggled through 3.1 and would probably find 4 pretty difficult. This year the race announced that they are adding a 1 mile "mashed potato run" for kids. So the kids were going to do that.

Then earlier this week Mary got sick. Then the husband got sick. I'm hosting the 2nd of 2 Thanksgivings in 5 days tomorrow. We're getting ready to go on vacation. I had to work like crazy to get all my work done before vacation. And on and on and on.....

Yea. So, I've been slightly stressed. Yesterday I decided this was one thing I could take off my plate. I'm not going to even discuss the fact that THIS is the precise reason I'm overweight.....because the things I take off my plate are running and diet. But, it's what I decided I could give up. I'm OK with this decision. I made it and feel fine about it.

So tomorrow I will perhaps remember to watch at least some of the parade; will clean my house for Thanksgiving Take 2; and will enjoy the day with the in-laws. And then before I know it we'll be on our way to Disney for an awesome, much needed vacation!

And with that I leave you on this lovely Thanksgiving Eve. I hope that everyone has a most wonderful Thanksgiving Day tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you're missing this run. I know it's one you've enjoyed, but the decision was a very sane one. There's only so many things you can fit into one week.

    Enjoy today!
