As promised, here is the previous race report I had written after completing the Portage Lakes Sprint Triathlon on 9/18/2011.
Let’s start with Saturday
afternoon. My husband, kids and sister in-law all went with me to pick up my
race packet. I was surprised that we didn’t have number bibs at all – just the
number that they would mark you with the next day and a bracelet to put on your
wrist and your bike. Guess I didn’t need the race belt I just bought! We then
traveled to stay with my parents that night since their house was half the
distance to the Tri from my house. I should note – my sister in law was just
“along for the ride” as a SUPER supporter/spectator! I have to put out major
thanks to her for taking a night away from her family and half the next day
just to cheer me on!
Ok, back to the topic at hand! After an AWESOME homemade
Italian dinner of lasagna, meatballs and bread, it was getting close to
bedtime. I set the alarm for 5AM and attempted to go to bed around 9:30. After
getting up on the hour every hour starting at 1AM, I finally looked at the
clock in disbelief when I saw 4:57! We arrived at Portage Lakes State Park a
little after 6:30 as planned. It wasn’t too crowded yet, but it was COLD.
This is me trying to stay warm before the race. |
the way there, the car kept reading a lower and lower temperature. I think it
said 43 degrees when we arrived! I was able to get marked and set up my
transition area quickly and then it was time to wait for the start….about an
hour! Of course, other seasoned triathletes would probably use this time to
warm up by either running, biking or swimming. Not me. I stood there, FREEZING,
wondering if I would start to feel my toes again before I had to use them!
Eventually, I found myself on the beach feeling overly
anxious about not being able to understand the announcer and start with the
correct wave. Several people were wearing wetsuits, so looking for another “34”
on someone’s leg was not an easy task. I finally found some 39 and 40 year olds
and was told that the wave would be 39 and under so I would be good if I stayed
with them. As the crowd cleared with each wave I could finally understand the
announcer. And all of the sudden he said women 39 and under and elite women. To
which I responded, “I don’t think I should be in the same wave as ELITE women!”
I really feel like I ROCKED the swim. In retrospect I think
I am most proud of the swim. No panic attacks, no having to stop to hang on to
a board, no stopping, just swimming! Granted, there was a LOT of breast stroke,
but I was always moving forward. I kept telling myself, just keep moving
forward. I passed some women, got passed by many; but also passed MEN hanging
on the boards to rest and I believe at this point NONE of the Olympic waves had
started so I felt pretty good about that. I got out of the water and started
the trek up the little hill to get to transition. Swim time = 19:57
I ended up walking to transition because I figured I should
catch my breath before getting on the bike.
All in all, I think I rocked T1 for a newbie. Total time= 3:58
In one word – SUCKED!!! Sucked the big one and I mean it! I
feel like if I go into it, I’ll be typing forever. I swear it was uphill the
entire 14 miles. I’m not the only one who felt that way. I passed people People
passed me on the course and they said “I swear this entire course is uphill!” I
agreed as I was WALKING my bike up a hill for the 3rd time! I REALLY
need a new bike or at least new tires! However, what I will say about the bike
is that I was TOTALLY happy with my time….considering….. Bike time =1:10:31.
The defeated look after a LONG bike ride |
I have NEVER been so eager to run in my life! I just wanted
to run because I knew that meant I was done being on that darn bike! Switched
my helmet to my hat, grabbed a gulp of water, and grabbed a GU to have on the
run. T2 = 1:16
I realized at this point how much of triathlon is mental.
The bike took so much out of me mentally that I didn’t have much fight left in
me for the run. It was “only” a 5k. I do 5k’s at least 2x a week and longer
runs on the weekends. I can do a 5k. But yet, I couldn’t seem to keep going. It
was really frustrating because my legs felt awesome. I felt like I could run
forever, but I couldn’t catch my breath. I would try to keep with my interval
schedule (run 4 minutes, walk 1), but those 4 minutes felt like forever. It
also didn’t help that I had new shoes on that I was only able to wear 2 times
prior to this race. They are going back to the store because they were making
my toes go numb on my left foot. It was quite painful when I was running so
that didn’t help either. I walked a lot
more than planned, but the run still seemed to fly by. I was close to the end
and couldn’t believe I was within sight of finishing my first sprint triathlon.
Run time = 39:27
I crossed the finish line to see my family standing there
cheering me on. Total time: 2:15:10.
Things I learned:
There are SO many things that I learned with this first
experience. I’m not sure that I could even begin to discuss all the things that
were racing through my head after crossing that finish line.
I need a different bike. Or I need to make
changes to my current bike. These hills were absolutely killer. I can’t help
but think that if I had thinner tires and/or a lighter bike I might have been
able to go a little faster. Or at least stay on the bike the entire time!
I want a Garmin! And in a BAD way! I’m thinking
Christmas present this year! I have no computer on my bike and there were no
mile markers. Since I had NO idea how fast I was going, I was certain that I
couldn’t estimate my mileage on how long I’d been on my bike. I think towards
the end, it would have helped me mentally to know that I had already conquered
so many miles rather than feeling like this would never end!
I want a Garmin! I’ve been increasing my run
speed a lot lately. I feel like I shouldn’t use the word “speed” since you
can’t really define what I do as “speedy” by any means, but I have been getting
much faster by my standards. The intervals actually help me go significantly
faster than if I ran without stopping. However, since I have no Garmin or
anything, I have no idea what my pace is when I’m running. Considering my end
pace for the run was about a 12:43 minute/mile, I must have been moving pretty
nicely when I was running (since I walked a LOT and my best 5k time in training
was a 10:33 minute/mile). I think if I could have looked down at my wrist and
saw a 10 (or dare I say a 9) something, it might have been the push I needed to
keep running for the entire run interval.
All in all, it was an EXPERIENCE. I did not feel as I
thought I might when I crossed that finish line. I think I was overwhelmed with
all the emotions I had just experienced over that 2 hours and 15 minutes (and
10 seconds). It is safe to say that this will not be my last sprint triathlon.
Like I told my sister in-law, what would be the point of doing this if I
couldn’t do another one to put in place all the things I learned?! And besides,
I’m only halfway to my weight loss goal; so imagine what I might be able to
accomplish after another 40lbs are gone!