A few days ago I was going to write this wonderfully positive post. And today's post is still going to have a very positive vibe to it, but it's just........different.

So we get to the game and we took some pictures. And something just hit me. I REALLY liked the selfie we took. I try not to take many selfies because I never felt like I could "get them right". I think what it really came down to was that I just didn't like how I looked in them. And, if we're being honest here, I just didn't like how I looked in ANY picture. I always forced myself to still take them periodically with the kids and such because I do want to document things in my life regardless of how I feel about myself.
On this same day I also noticed that I no longer had to stress about things fitting me. Even just last summer I would have worried about the free jersey fitting me (with good reason because it's not "too" big on me now). The weather ended up being colder than I anticipated because it was windy and we were in the shade. I ended up buying a sweatshirt and was so excited when I could get an XL and know that it would fit me big and roomy, just the way I like my sweatshirts to fit. I had gotten to the point that even the 2XL's weren't fitting with as much room as I like in a sweatshirt. This year I probably could have even just gotten a large.
The Indians won that day and it was one of the most amazing atmosphere's I've ever been a part of. The Indians continued to win and on September 13th they had a day game that also happened to be the day they were going for win #21 in a row, which would be an American League record. My sister in law and I decided we were going to go to this game as well. My parents ended up joining us and the Indians ended up WINNING! But even before all that happened I just felt good. I was feeling like my life couldn't get much better. I mean, it was a BEAUTIFUL day and I was able to decide at the last minute to go potentially witness history in the making. SIL and I took yet another picture together and for the first time in as long as I can remember (maybe ever) I looked at myself in that picture and thought how pretty/attractive/cute/(whatever positive word you want to use) I looked. It feels SO weird even typing that out. How many people look at themselves in a picture and think, "Man, I look GOOD". Maybe lots of people do that. I don't. But I did. And it felt amazing!
Ok. So you're probably starting to wonder why on Earth I titled this blog post "Fighting my DEMONS".
Even with how good I have been feeling about myself lately I still struggle every single day with trying to eat right and do what I need to do to move myself in the right direction. One would think that when I start to feel really good about myself I would only want that to continue (by losing more weight, getting faster at running, etc). I do want it to continue and I DO want to eventually reach my goals, but I think I just tend to lose my focus.
I talked in my last post about trying to find the right mix. I thought I had made the decision to do what I knew worked in the past. Well, I DID make that decision. But I sit here on September 18th continuing to doubt myself about whether or not I am doing the "right" thing. I don't think I am. I think I'm taking too many "off" days and not eating low enough calories on my "on" days. I am stressing about it when I said I wasn't going to stress about it. I'm obsessing over data and numbers instead of just TRUSTING THE PROCESS.
How many times must I say the same things to myself? In April I trusted the process. Well, not really, I doubted it the entire month but just continued with my goals that month anyway. I tracked everything I ate every single day for the entire month. I didn't even necessarily stay within my calorie range every day. Actually, I went out of my calorie range 13 days during that month and still ended up losing 6 pounds. (see what I mean with the data and numbers??)
So I fight the demons in my head. I fight the thoughts that tell me I should try to do this faster. I fight the demons that tell me it doesn't matter how slow I do it as long as it's going in the right direction. I fight the demons that are constantly fighting each other! I will continue to fight these fights and hopefully continue to make progress with how I feel about myself. I still see this going in the right direction. I still fully believe that THIS time I will do this.
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