Wednesday, June 8, 2016

1st week COMPLETE

I think it would be funny (or not) to see how many times since I started this blog in 2012 I had a week 1 weigh in. But, like I've said before, that means I haven't given up yet!

So, last week was week 1 with Nutrisystem. The program they have now is called "Turbo10" and in your first month's package they give you a special week 1 program to "jumpstart" your weight loss. They give you 7 breakfasts, 7 lunches, 7 dinners, 7 turboshakes and 7 nutricrush shakes. You basically eat one of each of those things a day plus 4 servings (at least) of veggies and 64 oz of water. You are allowed to eat as many veggies as you want, but are supposed to get at least 4 servings. By yesterday I was actually even forgetting to get all my 4 servings of veggies in because I wasn't feeling overly hungry in between meals - awesome!

I decided to start tracking my food on sparkpeople again because that is the website I was using when I lost alot of weight in 2011. So, I quickly noticed that OF COURSE you'll lose weight in the first week because you aren't even eating 1200 calories per day! Yes, I know that eating less than 1200 calories for an extended period of time is not good and TRUST me when I say you have nothing to worry about! This was one week and I can not WAIT to go back to eating more calories on a daily basis!

Having said that, however, I will say that this first week really wasn't THAT bad. Perhaps it's because I had been fasting for 2 days per week so I was getting used to dealing with feeling hungry for a finite period of time. I knew that if I was hungry I would get to eat again in a few hours so it wasn't the end of the world. No one likes feeling hungry; but if we just chill out and realize we WILL in fact get to eat again (and soon) it's easier to deal with.

I was most proud of the fact that I followed the program almost perfectly for 7 days. I only say almost because I made caramelized onions and peppers a lot. I would cook them in oil and sometimes a little butter too. BUT, I was counting that in my tracker and even with that I was still ending most days around 1030 calories. I was all excited about being able to actually EAT today. What's funny about that is I ended the day right around 1330 calories and that included going to get ice cream after my son's baseball game! I chose the strawberry lemonade and watermelon sorbet with a few tiny chocolate chips. OMG it was SO good....and only about 100 calories since it's non-fat, non-dairy sorbet.

So are you wondering how well I did with my week 1 weigh in today?? Well, needless to say I was quite happy this morning. I have NEVER lost this much weight in one week. My total loss for week 1 was 7.8 pounds!!!! That puts me at a total of 15.6 pounds lost since March 20th and about 22 pounds lost since this time last year. I am absolutely not regretting having made this decision anymore. It did exactly what it needed to do and reignited my spark. I am feeling totally determined and confident that I CAN do this (again) and this time all the way to maintenance! Only time will tell and I'll be embarrassed if I eventually have to eat my words; but I won't EVER give up and that's all that really matters.

On to week 2.......

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