Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, Monday.....

So days 11-13 were consciously not on track. I say consciously because I made the decision to let myself "off the hook" for the weekend. The good news? Day 14 is totally back on track. I have eaten 1475 calories today and as of now have already burned almost 2800 calories on the day so I know I'll have my 1000 calorie deficit. Tomorrow morning I will weigh in since I decided that I need to weigh in once a week. The fact of the matter is I can use the scale to sabotage myself whether I'm actually stepping on it or not. If I REALLY want to go "off track" for some reason I can talk myself into it pretty easily. When I'm on track I like the validation of the numbers on the scale going down. 

I already have dinner planned and entered into my tracker for tomorrow. I tend to work my calories around dinner. That way if we're having a higher calorie dinner I can plan accordingly. I will also sometimes plan my day around which meal I'm eating out since on days that I eat out I tend to eat 2 meals and a light snack in order to stay within my calorie range.

 I was thinking this weekend about the fact that I was letting myself not track for the entire weekend. I decided that this is my first step towards a 80-90% healthy lifestyle. If I can be on 4-5 days per week and "off" 2-3 that is better than what I was doing and the scale should still go in the right direction. This is not my plan forever....but I am OK to start this way. I've said it before, but I'm SO all or nothing that I tend to get very hard on myself when I'm not perfect. Clearly this doesn't bode well for me since I haven't succeeded in losing this weight yet! So, I'm trying to reason with myself and know that I don't have to go from 0-100% healthy in one day. I think I'm doing a good job so far. I am still feeling good and positive about where I am and where I'm heading. I'm still feeling like I can do this and actually reach my goal. 

Like I said, the key is always getting back on matter how long that takes. Don't ever give up! 

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