Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Fall Down...Get Back UP!

As promised yesterday was a good day! It wasn't all easy, but I did it. I ended my day having eaten around 1524 calories and burned a total of 3004. So my calorie differential for yesterday was 1480 calories!

I went on the treadmill again yesterday. For those of you keeping count that means that in 8 days I was on the treadmill 5 times. I'm super stoked about that. And if you've read my blog before you know how much I LOVE seeing progress. Well, here are some states from my "runs" since starting on 9/1. All these stats are according to my Garmin Vivofit (which I LOVE). I wear my HR monitor when I workout to try to get a more accurate read of the calories I'm burning.

9/1 - leisurely walked on the treadmill. Decided something was better than nothing. 30 minutes, 1.57 miles, 386 calories burned, average HR 120, max HR 129.

9/2 - Decided to push it with some run intervals thrown in. 30 minutes, 1.63 miles, 534 calories, average HR 140, max HR 158.

9/3 - Increased run intervals and also upped the speed on the treadmill slightly. 30 minutes, 1.79 miles, 506 calories, average HR 136, max HR 152.

9/4 - Continue to try to increase speed (i.e run intervals). 30 minutes, 2.03 miles, 533 calories, average HR 140, max HR 161.

9/8 - 35 minutes, 2.46 miles, 599 calories, average HR 138, max HR 159.

There are SO many things I love about this trend. I love the fact that each time I've gotten on the treadmill I've gone a little bit farther AND a little bit faster. I love that my HR is already showing my improving fitness in just one week. I had my fastest and longest time yesterday and yet my average HR was the lowest it has been since adding in run intervals.

Sometimes I feel like working out every day is not a good thing and is not reasonable, but this is what motivates me. I also feel like 30 minutes on the treadmill every day really isn't that much. I don't want to burn myself out, but when I go one day without getting on the treadmill (or something equivalent) it's that much easier to NOT get on the next day. And then even easier the next. So, I am going to try my best to do some sort of workout - even if it's "active recovery" every least while I'm getting myself back in the habit.

Today I was texting with my friend/trainer and I told her she would be so proud because I'm finally getting back on track. She was the one who told me after school started that I had to put a cap on how long I would let myself "adjust" to the back to school schedule. I took that to heart and that, coupled with being reminded by Facebook that I've done it before, helped to get me back on track. So today she said something again that struck a chord with me. She said, "Consistency! Something every day if you can." That really helped me to see HOW one actually works towards a healthy lifestyle. I am so all or nothing that I honestly don't really understand about the baby steps. Every time I take baby steps I feel like I'm failing....and I'm calling them "baby steps" to make myself feel better. But if I can commit to doing at least 1 healthy thing each day and calling it a success, I can do that. Those 3 days over the weekend that I ate more than I burned, might not have been as "bad" if I had just gotten on that treadmill. Or if I didn't have the wine. Or if I was sure to drink more water. Because all of those things lead to more healthy choices.

See, I AM learning. Until tomorrow.....

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