Monday, September 21, 2015

Dishes, Dishes and more Dishes

I remember when I was doing the Whole30 back in 2014 I talked about how much time I spent in the kitchen. If I wasn't prepping food or cooking food, I was doing dishes. It felt like it was because we were doing the Whole30 that I had all these dishes to do, etc. I am now finding that's not really the case. Apparently whenever I'm cooking at home 90% of the time we go through a lot of dishes! I swear I am unloading and loading the dishwasher EVERY day - or at least every other day. I always strive to go to bed with an empty sink, but it never seems to happen. What usually ends up happening is I do the dishes at some point after dinner in the evening. Then, whatever is used after that point will stay in the sink until the morning. I'll empty the clean dishwasher and re-load it in the morning. By evening we have accumulated enough dirty dishes to almost fill the dishwasher. Sigh....
Day 21
I feel like I'm doing really well with this "change of lifestyle" or whatever you want to call it. I hate having to figure out how to label it. It is what it is. I need to lose weight and I need to do it in such a way that will allow me to NOT gain it back. 

So last Friday I decided to change my official weigh in day to Friday's instead of Tuesdays. I figured that if my baby steps allow me to be a little more "relaxed" over the weekend Friday would be a good day to weigh in each week. It may give me some motivation to not go crazy over the weekend and will then give me time to have 4 really good days right before weigh in :) On Friday I weighed in and was down 1.4 pounds! I was quite happy with that (to say the least since it was down since I weighed in on Tuesday). I continued to allow myself more freedom over the weekend. I basically don't track, but try not to go totally overboard. 

The deal I made with myself was that as long as I got right back on track on Monday all was good. And all has been good! :) Today has been 100% back on track. As of writing this I have eaten 1,578 calories and have burned 2,708. I would say that's a pretty successful day. Tomorrow I will celebrate my 14th wedding anniversary with a nice dinner out with my hubby. My calories will be estimated since I am pretty sure wherever we go won't be a place that has nutritional information online. But I am totally OK with that. I'll make sure I burn some extra calories tomorrow and won't worry so much about having a 1,000 calorie deficit. And then back to 100% on Wednesday! I know I can do this. I just need to keep taking small steps forward. 

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